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21:45 on May 17, 2007

I'm too lazy to update in this blog now since I use LJ more because of the online shopping communities there...

so i guess after a full 4 years of being here, i'm finally moving. unfortunately, my LJ blog entries are locked to friends only... it started off being private to vent off unhappiness - kind of like how i started the whole blogging thing in the first place - and now i'm used to locking it up I'll continue doing so.

thanks for being with me here all this while! if u're really keen on catching up with me over on my new place do leave a comment... though my new blog isn't exactly that hard to find. it'll just look empty to those that are not added in as "friends"... if you don't have an LJ account then erm... sorry!

rest assured i'm leading a happy life now, and i hope you are too =) see you on the other side.

out and up

About DZ.

Hmm. Girl, just turned 22, just became single attached again, and is still studying. Well, kind of. Loves to hang out with her bunch of good girlfriends when they're free. Has an interest in filming and editing and photography. Is too fat for her own good. Hopes that one day she will get to love again. She found love again =)
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Moving on. � DZ, March 2006.

ELATED PageKits � 2002